Wednesday, 22 June 2011

A hint of things to come: IDSwest Preview

Organizers and members of the Canadian Design & Lifestyle Bloggers WEST network are getting more and more excited about the Event we’ve planned to coincide with the IDSwest this coming September!!

IMG_5282IDSchair In anticipation of both our Event and this fantastic, annual interior design show, Barbara Matson (fellow organizer of our network) from the blog hodge:podge and Rosa Pearson of flutterflutter took the opportunity last evening (Tuesday) to connect face-to-face with the IDSwest representatives Barbara’s been communicating with… all while our 2 network colleagues immersed themselves in examples of marvelous design!!

Like this Judson Beaumont Hollow Chair!

If you’d like to read a little about their evening, head over to flutterflutter and see what Rosa has to share about the IDSwest Preview! Barbara wanted to post about the evening too, but has been frustrated by Blogger issues. I’d wager that many of us can relate!!! She said that she’d post about it soon… maybe tomorrow… so keep an eye out!!

Also, watch for information about OUR September Event right here! As our plans come together we’ll be sharing with you!!

Keep an eye on the IDSwest website for show updates!

w/ Nancy, Karla and Barbara
cdn.d&lbWEST Organizers

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Your Are Invited: IDS West Preview Night

In anticipation of the upcoming IDS West show in Septemeber...

You are invited to an IDS Preview Night! 

Location: 555 Great Northern Way
Time:  Tuesday, June 21, 2011 from 6-8PM

If you plan on attending, please email your RSVP to:

& Nancy, Karla and Victoria
cdn.d&lbWEST Organizers

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Curry & Conversation: Our Summer Meet-up!!

Let me tell you… we have some fantastic member bloggers!

How terrific would it be if we could get everyone together; each and every writer from all 76 member blogs (about 80 people!) representing design and lifestyle interests, activities and just plain fun stuff spanning BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba? Out of this world fantabulous, that’s how terrific THAT would be!!

The next best thing? Getting 15 BC based Lower Mainland bloggers gathered together around a table filled to overflowing with scrumptious Malaysian food!

DSCF1756 Where’s all the yummy food you ask? Well… we ate it of course! :-)


So let me introduce everyone at the table… starting front and centre with Barbara from hodge:podge and moving to the left ~ Nancy: Marcus Design ~ Andrea: From My Living Room ~ Tracey: My House of Giggles ~ Karla: Kerrisdale Design ~ Tracey: Keeping House & Everything Else ~ Rosa: flutterflutter ~ Lily & Rachel: Birch & Bird ~ Jodi: Simply Inspired Home ~ Darryl: darryl bueckert ~ Carol: The Design Pages ~ Victoria: Edin’s House ~ Sherri: So Much to Love ~ Meesh: I Dream of Chairs


We have such a great time at our gatherings (we’ve met 4 times now)! Several of us have attended past meet-ups so conversations just pick up where they left off. Love that!

Even more to love… today 7 new cdn.d&lbWEST network members joined the group and more conversations were started that will continue at our next gathering!!

One discussion we all jumped into ~ the event Barbara & network organizers are working on for late September; an event planned to take place in tandem with IDSwest (Interior Design Show West). Barbara has done a lot of work connecting with potential sponsors, but she’ll share more of that in an upcoming post. Yes, I’m a tease!! What I will tell you is that we’re thinking guest speakers, food & drinks, activities, and lots of fun! Ha!! More teasing, hey?!

Watch this blog for planning updates!!


Now really quickly, let me tell you about Banana Leaf. FAB! Each of us sooo enjoyed the wonderful variety of dishes the servers placed on our table: roti, curries, shell fish, chicken, beef, noodles, rice. Everything was terrific! If you’re in Vancouver we encourage you to plan a meal at one of the 3 Banana Leaf locations in the city.

Our new network is a large and growing group of outta-this-world bloggers, but we don’t all live in Vancouver/Lower Mainland BC. In fact, we’re spread out across the western provinces of this fantastic country of ours! That means that a whole lot of our members are sitting back thinking: “But I can’t attend these gatherings. I don’t live near Vancouver.” Well… we encourage you to reach out to cdn.d&lbWEST members (and other design/lifestyle bloggers who haven’t found our great network yet!) in communities near you and plan meet-ups of your own. Get together for coffee, lunch, a trip to the local vintage shop ~ anything! Let us help you by providing space on this blog for you to connect with your blogger-neighbours… send us your post and we’ll upload right away!

Oh… don’t forget to take lots of photos of your gathering so that you can write another post for the Canadian Design & Lifestyle Bloggers WEST blog because your member-bloggers want to hear all about it!!

Talk around the table today suggested that locally we get together before our September event. Perhaps in August! So where should we meet? Coffee and a browse at Granville Island? Ice cream and a walk in White Rock? Nibblies and antique exploring in the valley?

Share some ideas!!!

& Nancy, Karla and Barbara
cdn.d&lbWEST Organizers